Irrigation System Design

Water is crucial for the survival and vitality of our landscapes. To conserve and protect this precious natural resource, it’s essential to have a well-designed irrigation system. Our certified irrigation expert can design a highly efficient system that is easy to understand and maintain. Irrigation designs start at approximately $500.

Irrigation system needs to partitioned into zones according to microclimates.

Zone Partitioning

Once the landscape design has been finalized, our irrigation designer will evaluate your yard and partition it into zones based on the various microclimates. Then, the designer will proceed to digitally layout the irrigation system and determine the water requirements for each zone.

Product Selection

Following the assessment, our irrigation designer will look for the most suitable products for your property. As with any construction project, there are a multitude of product options; which is why we consult with local contractors, suppliers, and product manufacturers themselves to ensure you receive quality, cost-effective products that will help your plants thrive.

Irrigation products are selected based on consultation with contractors, suppliers and manufacturers.
Long term maintenance is required to keep the irrigation system running in tip top shape.

Additional Equipment

Before finalizing the design, you can opt to have additional equipment installed, such as smart irrigation system controllers that can be remotely connected to your phone or tablet. Although these upgrades come at a higher cost, they are a highly recommended for large estates and commercial properties. Investing in these options will provide peace of mind, as well as convenient access to your system.

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your irrigation system functioning properly, and should not be overlooked. Irrigation lines are typically buried between 1 to 3 feet deep, so it is vital to have them blown out every fall before the ground freezes. This will clear any remaining water from the lines, preventing them from cracking during winter. In the spring, local irrigation professionals will return to start up your irrigation system and ensure that it is functioning correctly and efficiently.